5 Ways to Naturally Reduce Anxiety

  • By Strong Cell
  • Dec 06, 2021

Anxiety is among the most common mental health issues. In the United States, more than 18 percent of adults are affected by anxiety disorders each year. In many cases, a small amount of anxiety every so often can be a good thing as it helps to keep you aware of potential dangers and motivates you to be prepared. However, for many people anxiety occurs more frequently. They experience it almost every day to the point it interferes with their normal daily activities, affecting their work, home, and personal lives. Dealing with anxiety can be stressful, but it is treatable. Take control today by trying out the five ways to naturally reduce anxiety below.


  1. Stay active

Regular exercise is good for your physical and emotional health. Regular exercise works as well as medication to ease anxiety for some people. A study of 12 randomized controlled trials found that exercise may be a treatment for anxiety. And it’s not just a short-term fix; you may experience anxiety relief for hours after working out. Exercise may also help with anxiety caused by stressful circumstances. For example, a study showed that exercise benefited people with anxiety related quitting smoking.


  1. Ditch caffeine

Caffeine may cause nervousness and jitters, neither of which is good if you’re anxious. Research has shown caffeine may cause or even worsen anxiety disorders. It may also cause panic attacks in people with panic disorder. In some people, eliminating caffeine may significantly improve anxiety symptoms. So, instead of reaching for a soda or coffee, instead grab a glass or water or tea.


  1. Get better quality sleep

Insomnia is a common symptom of anxiety. To help you get better quality sleep consider making a few bedtime changes such as: not using your phone or computer, avoiding large meals and/or caffeinated drinks, keeping your room dark and at a comfortable temperature, and going to sleep at the same time each night. Research also shows that weighted blankets can be beneficial for alleviating symptoms of anxiety. The pressure helps to put your body into “rest mode,” reducing those symptoms and preparing your body to rest. These blankets come in many different sizes and weights, enabling you to find what works best for you.


  1. Relax your mind

Meditation can help to slow racing thoughts, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety. Research from John Hopkins suggests 30 minutes of daily meditation may alleviate some anxiety symptoms and act as an antidepressant. Many individuals also try a wide range of meditation during yoga to help with anxiety.  Whether you mediate, practice deep breathing, or practice yoga, the goal is to remove chaotic thoughts from your mind and replace them with a sense of calm and mindfulness of the present moment.


  1. Drink an herbal tea or daily supplement

Some people find the process of making and drinking tea soothing, but some teas may have a more direct effect on the brain that results in reduced anxiety. Results of a small study suggest that chamomile can alter levels of cortisol, a stress hormone and may be a remedy to calm frayed nerves and promote sleep. Additionally, a daily supplement like Strong Cell can help alleviate anxiety by improving your cognitive function, increasing your mental clarity, alertness, memory, and concentration. All of which helps to relax your mind and allow you to focus on calming down.


Unchecked anxiety may greatly impact your quality of life. If you’re feeling anxious, trying the above ideas may help calm you down, but remember to always talk to your doctor about your concerns as well.  

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